We ensure successful implementation of these innovative projects in Canada.
Our Cases
Auto Top
AUTOTOP Industry Co. Limited was established in 2008, involved entire of passion and creativity into powersports parts brand of excellence.
D&C One Modeling Master
Molding Master Inc. are new materials in the field of high performance, carbon fiber materials and products.
Hotech Inc.
Mobile Cloud Gaming's Huge Opportunities . Better display, higher hardware performance requirements, larger game packages
Cheersucloud Inc
Cheersucloud Inc.is positioned as a real-time interactive content cloud computing manufacturer for the future digital world
SleepPlus: Sleep Health Management
Cheersucloud Inc.is positioned as a real-time interactive content cloud computing manufacturer for the future digital world
EmTek Canada
EmTek Canada wants to become an active Calgary based supplier of oil spill response products in Canada and extend our sales to the US and Latin America