We ensure successful implementation of these innovative projects in Canada.

Our Cases

  • Auto Top

    AUTOTOP Industry Co. Limited was established in 2008, involved entire of passion and creativity into powersports parts brand of excellence.

  • D&C One Modeling Master

    Molding Master Inc. are new materials in the field of high performance, carbon fiber materials and products.

  • Hotech Inc.

    Mobile Cloud Gaming's Huge Opportunities . Better display, higher hardware performance requirements, larger game packages

  • Cheersucloud Inc

    Cheersucloud Inc.is positioned as a real-time interactive content cloud computing manufacturer for the future digital world

  • SleepPlus: Sleep Health Management

    Cheersucloud Inc.is positioned as a real-time interactive content cloud computing manufacturer for the future digital world

  • EmTek Canada

    EmTek Canada wants to become an active Calgary based supplier of oil spill response products in Canada and extend our sales to the US and Latin America